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Here's a process you can use to be discipled by Jesus. 

What a privileged to hear and be discipled by Jesus Himself

as you spend daily time with Him.


Discipled by Jesus



1. Knowing Who Jesus Is: Who Do You Say That I Am? - Matthew 16:13-15


a. Share one word or phrase that describes who Jesus is to you today, or one thing you know about Him.

b. Pray out loud telling Jesus who He is to you today. (Use His Name)

c. Share what you think Jesus might say in response to what someone else has prayed.  (Use That Peron’s Name)


2. Watching What Jesus Is Doing: Do You Understand  What I Have Done?   

-John 13:1-15


a. Share what “good” you witnessed in the last few days. What did you see Jesus do? (Could be what Jesus has done for, in, or through you. Remember every truly good thing is from Him -James 1:17)

b. Pray to Jesus telling Him how you feel about what He has done. (Use His Name)

c. Share what you think Jesus might say in response to what someone else has prayed.  (Use That Peron’s Name)  


3. Listening to What Jesus is Saying: Are You Listening To Me? - Matthew 17:5


Read your selected passage of scripture at a slow pace. As you read look for one key verse that you feel Jesus is speaking to you through.

Take time to walk through the SOAP method.

a. Scripture: Share with others, one verse that Jesus was highlighting for you out of the passage you just read.

b. Observation: Share with each other key observations.  Only look at the Bible verse, do not use study notes or commentaries. Try to be specific about what you observe.

c. Application: Personalize this passage/verse, how you might hear Jesus speaking this to you.  Be as specific as you can. (Use Your Name)

d. Prayer: Pray to Jesus, telling Him your response to what He is showing you in this verse. Keep your prayer focused on the observation and application of this verse. (Use His Name)


4. Doing What Jesus Wants: Do You Truly Love Me? Then Care For and Feed My Sheep. - John 21:15

Share acts of obedience you think Jesus is calling you to change or do / change this week:


a. Obedience in caring for and feeding yourself personally:

b. Obedience in caring for and feeding your family:

c. Obedience in caring for and feeding the body of Christ (other believers):

d. Obedience in caring for and feeding the lost people around you:

e. Pray telling Jesus your response to what you feel He is calling you to do. (Use His Name)

f. Share what you think Jesus might say in response to what someone else has prayed.  (Use That Peron’s Name)


5. Believing What Jesus Has Promised: Do You Believe Me? - John 11:17-26


Do you really believe the resurrection power of Jesus will flow in and through you today to empower you to do his will?

a. Pray, telling Jesus about your belief in His power and your dependence upon his power to live in obedience. (Use His name and be as specific as you can)

b. Share what you think Jesus might say in response to what someone else has prayed.  (Use That Peron’s Name)



Who are two people you can share with today, the amazing things God is doing in your life?

1. _______ 2. _______

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